Mental Health and Wellbeing
At Seabridge Primary School, we aim to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for our whole school community (children, staff, parents and carers), and recognise how important mental health and emotional wellbeing is to our lives in just the same way as physical health. We recognise that children’s mental health is a crucial factor in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement. All children go through ups and downs during their school career and some face significant life events.
Over the course of their education, children spend over 7,800 hours at school. With such a huge amount of time spent in the classroom, schools provide an ideal environment for promoting good emotional wellbeing and identifying early behaviour changes and signs of mental distress. At Seabridge, we feel that the social and emotional skills, knowledge and behaviours that young people learn in the classroom can help them to build resilience and set the pattern for how they will manage their mental health through their lives.
At Seabridge we continuously promote emotional health and mental wellbeing through the following:
- Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is central to the curriculum across the school. PSHE assists children to cope with the changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world, manage transitions and enables them to make an active contribution to their communities.
- Mindfulness colouring club
- Radio
- Choir
- Daily sports clubs at lunchtime and after school: Football, Cross country, Netball, Rounders, Badminton, Time4Sport (Alternative Sports, Multiskills), BeeActive (Football, Yoga, Gymnastics)
- Chess club
- Celebrate differences through assemblies
- Healthy snacks
- Healthy relationship workshops are delivered by the school nurse and outside charities
- TalkTime sessions (lunchtime)
- Health and Wellbeing Week focussing on the five ways of wellbeing
- Regular wellbeing assemblies covering topics such as coping with stress
- Timbertrails on all playgrounds accessed by children during break and lunchtimes
- Planned healthy cookery sessions for each year group (1/2 termly)
- Planned Forest School sessions (1/2 termly)
Wellbeing Ambassadors
This year we have enrolled Wellbeing Ambassadors in all Key Stage 2 classes. The role of the Wellbeing Ambassador was decided by the team and is shared below:
- To spread happiness and peace throughout the school
- To welcome new staff and children to the school
- To be kind, caring and helpful towards others
- To always treat others as you would like to be treated yourself
- To promote and put into place the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’. (Connect, Take Notice, Give, Keep Learning and Be Active)
- To help plan Wellbeing Week 2020
Useful weblinks
Child Bereavement UK
Shout is the UK’s first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere.
PAPYRUS is the UK charity for the prevention of young suicide (up to the age of 35) . For PAPYRUS HOPELINEUK call 0800 068 4141 (open 10am-10pm weekdays, 2pm -10pm weekends and bank holidays).
MIND charity
Emotional wellbeing class clips for KS1 and KS2
Mindful Gnats
Mental Health
Mentally Healthy Schools
Children’s Mental Health week
NHS help for mental health
North Staffordshire Wellbeing
Mental Health and wellbeing for all ages
YoungMinds Parent information booklet.
Domestic Abuse
Supports victims of Domestic Abuse
Bullying and Cyberbullying
Childline support services for pupils and parents